Fireclay Matches your contributions up to 4% of your salary
Fireclay Tile is committed to helping employees prepare for a secure retirement.
Voluntary 401(k) plan is available to all full-time employees.
Our 401(k) Program is managed by Ascensus. Ascensus provides retirement savings solutions to businesses nationwide, from one employee to hundreds of plan participants. In 2022, Ascensus, Newport, and PAi joined to form one company. They believe everyone deserves to feel financially secure, and together, we are better positioned than ever to advance that mission.
Through Ascensus online you can effectively manage your savings. The valuable Ascensus features allow you to:
Elect and change your per-pay period contributions
Elect and change where your contributions are invested
Move your investments between funds (fund to fund transfers)
If you participate, Fireclay will match your contributions up to 4% of your salary.
Your 401(k) contributions are Pre-Tax.
To begin, click here. For the first time you login, you will need to use your SSN for your username and your date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format as your password. Please make sure you know your hire date. If you need assistance, please contact for assistance.
401(k) Benefits
Fireclay Tile is not a financial advisor. That said, there is evidence that enrolling in a 401(k) program may have benefits when it comes to savings and how much you pay in taxes. Below is an example of an employee who participates in their 401(k) vs one who does not, and the potential outcome over the course of a year.